Sunday, January 10, 2010

Long time no talk, in a coon's age!

Howdy, Dears an' Darlin's.
Well I do declare! I haven't written in a while, but there hasn't been much to write about, quite honestly, y'all...even though I've been busy as a stump-tailed cow in fly time. Anyways, I was hopin' by now this here page would have made a little progress, but like Momma says, "Don't count your chickens till they hatch!" I'm sitting here wondering what in the world a girl has to do to get a followin' around here. But even a blind dog finds an acorn now and then, y'all, so we'll see. And I know, I know, don't let the tail wag the dog, but I'd like to have some input 'n feedback from all y'all anyway!
Well, y'all got the short end of the stick anyway, havin' to listen to me ramble. But every once in a while I'd like a comment or two, pleasy! I don't mind what you say, go hog wild, since y'all are about as scarce as a hen's teeth! What's that, doll? You don't understand a single word I've said in this here note? Well shut my mouth! Haven't you, dollies? My word! Well I do declare. Well don't get your feathers all ruffled, this here's the only time I'll speak in country-talk, doves, so you needn't holler like stuck pigs. All I was tryin' was to give y'all a little taste of the south, and might I say that that web site, Google, is a big help when it comes to understandin' people like me---it's as easy as slidin' off a greasy log backward.

Bye, bye, southern belles and farmer-in-the-dells!