SO, today's topic is exes. And the Battle Of. The worst thing that can happen in a relationship is:
1) you fall in love with your very best friend.
2) You date said best friend, who is unfortunately leaving to Italy for ONE ENTIRE YEAR in August.
3) After roughly (or exactly..) ten days or dating in which no in-person date happened due to conflicting schedules, aforementioned best friend/boyfriend breaks up with you by phone, saying he would prefer to be just friends due to the fact that he's leaving in, oh, SIX months.
4) Said boy-slash-EX calls you again within five minutes. Twice. You don't pick up due to hiccups/tears/general pissed-offness.
5) Said boy IMs you on facebook as you are IMing FEMALE best friend. Tries to outweigh emotion with logic. You don't understand and refuse to.
6) Said boy chooses a different tactic and says he understands your point of view as well. Tells you he loves you (for the first time in English) and says he doesn't ever want to lose you. Repeats the word "ever". Says, and I quote, "just because we aren't 'dating', my feelings for you haven't changed." But still insists on a breakup, which you don't argue with so as not to look pathetic.
7) You rant, yell, and eventually give up and go offline. Call female best friend since you aren't done being upset.
8) You calm down and go to sleep, fake being fine-just-fine the next day.
9) Inside, you're still stung and pissed off and confused, and you try to recreate the friendship with said boy, but he makes it awkward.
10) Finally have seminormal conversation with said boy, but then internally break down because you miss something you never really had. And also because the fact that you ALMOST had it hurts more than losing it.
11) You wish things were different and pretend you dont think about what could've been, even though you do all the time.
12) You wonder if his feelings for you REALLY are the same, even though female best friend has told him you are well liked by the male population at your new school and you like another boy. Even though First Boy tells her he likes other girls.
13) You wonder if he's a total asshole, or if he's just saving face. And you notice he's changed a lot, and you wonder where the boy you fell for went.
And there we are, at "lucky" thirteen. Mostly because that's where I am now.
And one more thing---during said seminormal conversation, said boy uses one of your favorite quotes EVER while showing you a song he thinks you'd like.
"Don't think or judge. Just Listen."
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