Sunday, October 4, 2009

Not-So-Spirited Spirit Week

So this week is Homecoming week. The only five ― actually four ― days of the year when we get to dress out of uniform, and what are the days?: 
1)Nerd Day (in uniform, but we can "accessorize with 'nerdy' jewelry or mismatching socks", yes, that is a direct quote)
2)Movie Character Day (which would be perfectly fine if the dress code didn't outlaw any interesting best friend and I have been reduced to going as the cartoon angel & devil that appear on people shoulders to confuse them when they decide whether or not to do something bad, which mostly qualifies said character as insane)
3)Luau Day (probably THE worst homecoming event in the history of all mindless football traditions---and the dress code outlaws flip flops, grass skirts unless they involve shorts that come to your knee, and shirts with bathing suits painted on them...aside from not going to school at all, what else would you wear to a luau?? The administration has obviously gone off their crazy-meds)
4)Green and Gold Day/Spirit Day (perfectly fine except during the 8 to 11:30am time period in which we are imprisoned in our loved school, all we do is spend ridiculous amount of time in homeroom and watch the boys (and only the boys) play one game of kickball. I do not understand.)

Friday night is the homecoming game against---and please not that I say this in all seriousness---the Deaf and Blind School, who beat us last year 48 to 1. So as to give everyone a chance to recover from the trauma of realizing your school sucks at every sport, even when supported by at least 50 screaming freshmen, juniors with painted faces and all the football players' grandparents, the Homecoming dance has been moved to Saturday night, unlike last year. This year's theme is "A Night at the ___ ________ Academy School Cafetorium With Green Streamers." 

I will of course document every moment of the resulting insanity.

The traffic in my brain's driving me insane, gotta make a getaway...

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